How do you inspire an employee population to take one step toward better health and save the company millions in the process?

Capturing and telling inspiring stories of hope and wellbeing


A major us manufacturer was facing unsustainable healthcare cost trends and began the process of changing employee behavior as the only way to cut down on avoidable costs. They needed to create an overall wellbeing ideal, a unifying voice that reinforced their culture of health, and a deliver a powerful, inspiring experience for the employees. 


Their culture dictated that big, important initiatives aren’t big or important unless employees can proclaim with confidence that they have in fact been launched. As part of the larger culture change initiative, we created a corporate-wide event to celebrate stories and inspire employees to take a step toward better health. We conducted internal stakeholder interviews, consumer profiling and behavior change modeling to create and execute the event across twelve corporate and manufacturing facilities.  

The expression of our work came together as a contest to uncover and capture the incredible and inspiring stories of change from employees. We developed a leadership and employee communication plan, embedded technology in each location through physical walls, a corporate social media campaign and a dedicated external site to execute the event. The employee population nominated and submitted their own and peers’ stories of life change. We reached the population by utilizing multiple channels through a phased timeline that delivered on the key leadership objectives.


The One Step Stories event was an unprecedented success for the organization. The contest, voting process and in-person celebration event at global headquarters captured and highlighted individual stories by turning them into inspirational films of personal transformation. The films inspired and motivated employees to take steps toward their own wellbeing. We captured over 170 nominations, 54 inspiring stories and produced 5 story films that will continue to inspire people both inside and outside the their community. I invite you to watch these inspiring stories.


User Research and Workshop Facilitation


Brand Strategy