Seeing through the eyes of your audience

Whether you're designing a new product, revamping a service, or working on a marketing campaign, user research is key. It lets you get into the minds of your users through interviews, testing, observations - really understanding their needs, behaviors, and what makes them tick.

  1. Discover and define the problem

    We’ll start by immersing ourselves in your business, users, and context through observation, interviews, and other research methods to deeply understand the problem space and user needs.This discovery phase helps define the core problems to be addressed.

  2. Plan the research approach

    Next, we’'ll collaborate to map out the specific user research activities and methods specific to your project and goals. This could involve techniques like ethnographic studies, usability testing, customer journey mapping, etc.The research plan defines the target users, recruitment approach, and logistics.

  3. Conduct the research

    The core of the engagement is conducting the user research activities. This could involve observing users, individually interviewing them, having them test prototypes, and capturing insights about their behaviors, pain points, and needs

  4. Synthesize findings and define opportunities

    After the research is finished, we’ll synthesize and analyze the data to extract key findings and opportunities. This synthesis phase translates the user insights into clear problem statements and design principles to guide solution development.


Essential Package

The Essential Package provides a foundational user research approach to uncover key insights and opportunities with your target audience.

What this package includes:
A four week user research sprint with six to eight users. I will develop and manage the interview protocol, participant recruitment, interview facilitation, qualitative data collection and synthesis of all user interviews. Recruitment will be through your extended network.

What will be delivered:
You will receive a comprehensive insights report which includes an executive summary, research goals and methodology, key findings and insights, user quotes and recommendations.

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Starting at $8,000

Custom Package

The Custom Package is a tailored user research offering, personalized in scale and scope to your unique business needs and your target audience(s).

What this package includes:
A eight to ten week user research campaign including multiple user groups. A detailed plan for identifying, screening, and recruiting the ideal user segments or personas that are most relevant to the research objectives will be developed. I will manage, and partner with you, to lead the interview protocol, interview facilitation, qualitative (and quantitative) data collection and synthesis of all user interviews. Recruitment will be managed through a third-party recruitment platform.

What will be delivered:
Customized deliverables will be tailored to your needs, such as an insights report, journey maps, or presentations, designed to effectively communicate research findings and recommendations.

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Starting at $15,000

Relevant Projects

Working at IDEO for 12 years gave me the great privilege of working with, and managing, some of the industry’s finest designers. Rob is one of the very few individuals I have worked with since then who belongs in the same group.

Rob’s sparkling output flows from a rare ability to combine an astute, intuitive sense of the right way to meet and exceed the requirements of a brief with a genuine openness to external inspiration and a sympathy for the unmet needs of the intended consumer.

Neil Martin, Senior Designer, IDEO