Hi, I’m Rob

I am RAM Creative. I am a highly-skilled, strategic, and business-savvy designer. I am passionate about human-centered design and design thinking — from empathic user research and synthesis of insights, through collaborative imagination and prototyping, to implementing innovative design solutions. I am organized, self-motivated, and possess skills across a wide range of areas. I leverage my creativity to deliver human-centered designs that resonates with users and deliver business impact.

Let’s Talk >

It has been a privilege to work with Rob on numerous innovation, strategy, and design projects over the last 15+ years.

He has helped our teams to understand our customers in new and surprising ways, while always making the process fun and iterative. What I especially appreciate is Rob’s masterful skill at leading both the ideation process and the resulting execution focused on solving business problems. I recommend his work to any firm looking for profound, actionable insights and strategic guidance.

Jesse Hillman, VP of Marketing, Harper Collins Publishing, Zondervan

The Story Behind “RAM Creative”

You might be wondering the meaning behind the name "RAM Creative." The obvious answer is that my initials are R.A.M. - Robert Anthony Monacelli. But there's more to it than just using my cool initials.

When I originally decided to go out on my own and start my company years ago, I came across this description of a ram that resonated with me:

"Going beyond fear into complete faith, the ram is sure-footed and boldly leaps where others fear to tread, creating his own path meant just for him. The ram has prepared and practiced his whole life, knowing his capabilities. When the time is right he swiftly leaps into new opportunities without hesitation. Rams are strong, determined animals that don't back down from challenges. They use their horns to protect themselves and their flock, clearing paths through any obstacles."

This perfectly captured the spirit I wanted to embody - being bold yet prepared, confidently taking on new creative challenges, and determinedly clearing any obstacles to protect my clients' interests and deliver outstanding results.

While my initials R.A.M. provided a catchy name, the deeper symbolism of a ram's strength, leadership, and determination is what truly defined RAM Creative from the start. That spirit drives me to run fearlessly into any challenge that lays ahead.