How do you translate a successful product and reimagine it for a new consumer in a new shopping environment?

Identifying key insights and market opportunities to create user-centered product solutions.


With declining Bible sales, high returns due to damaged product and a missed opportunity within the Bible category, Zondervan needed a new plan for selling Bibles in a major US retailer. The traditional process of taking Bibles that were successful in CBA (Christian Book Association) stores and selling them in Walmart wasn’t working. Our team needed a new strategy and we needed to understand a new consumer…and fast. 


We conducted numerous in-home consumer interviews from across the Bible shopping spectrum, recording insights and stories from their experiences. We also interviewed the Bible buyer to consider the impact of this project from his perspective and account for his needs and goals. 

After collecting a wide range of consumer experiences, we identified key insights, assembled a cross-departmental team and lead them through multiple ideation sessions. These sessions were incredibly productive and led to hundreds of actionable ideas. After evaluating each idea through the lens of our consumers and charting them based on impact vs feasibility, we were ready to start prototyping concepts. We even built a full scale replica of the retail Bible aisle in our space. 


At the end of many rounds of prototypes and testing, we landed on our solution. The Essential Bible Series was introduced and has changed the landscape of how Bibles are presented and sold in a mass market retailer. Every detail of the packaging, products, merchandising and marketing can be traced back to a consumer insight. Some of these features include a completely redesigned durable, hinged box, lifestyle photography, 3d full color images of the products, personal consumer endorsements, and even carbon neutral certification, which fulfilled the buyer’s requirement. 

Zondervan was not only able to turn around the downward sales trend for Bibles at this retailer in only a year, but take over as the category leader. The NIV Busy Mom’s Bible is just one example of a product that has far exceeded expectations and continues to be a bestseller.


Stakeholder Research and Visual Storytelling


Product Research